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Designed to gently support your infants head and chin while the body is immersed in water, allowing for free movement of arms and legs which in turn helps to develop water treading skills. Dual air chambers and buckles for safety. Auditory bells in both chambers to stimulate the senses. The Starter Set includes a matching re usable water diaper designed with 3 adjustable settings around legs and waist and quality 3-layer protection with an impermeable inner membrane to prevent accidents from escaping.


  • 使用Swimava®產品前,必須以溫和皂液和暖水清潔產品。
  • 請保持產品遠離尖銳物、熱源或有陽光直接照射的地方,以保持產品的耐用性。
  • 只能使用溫和皂液和溫水為Swimava®產品清潔。禁示使用強鹼清潔劑、磨擦料、漂白劑及高水壓清洗產品。
  • 在使用Swimava®產品時,請勿同時使用按摩油或潤膚油,以免影響產品本身PVC物料的耐用性。
  • 定期檢查Swimava®產品是否有破損及漏氣。把產品充氣後整個放進水中60秒,檢查有無氣泡出現以確認產品是否有漏氣。

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